Hampidjan Group Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct shows our commitment to do business according to the law and in an ethical manner. The rules set out in the Code of Conduct should promote honest and ethically correct behaviour of our company and our employees.

Hampidjan Group Supplier Code of Conduct

This Supplier Code of Conduct sets out minimum standards of behaviour and practices we require from our suppliers.

Mørenot Group Responsible Business Conduct Policy

Mørenot Group has an ambition to be the leading supplier of tools, equipment, and services within fishery, aquaculture, and offshore/seismic. Sustainability is a fundamental aspect of our operations.

Hampidjan Group Human Rights Policy

In our companies, we shall conduct our business in line with basic human rights enshrined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and comply with internationally recognised human rights.

Hampidjan Group Whistleblower Policy

Hampiðjan Group’s Procedure for Reporting (Whistleblowing) and Handling of Non-Conformities (“Whistleblower Policy”)

Mørenot Mediterranean Management Policy

Mørenot Mediterranean's Management Policy