Good catch with Dyrkorn™ longlines and Catch® hooks

Our Dyrkorn™ swivel lines come in the range from 3,5 -12 mm. We can customize the lines according to your needs.

Catch® hooks are also produced at Mørenot factory. We supply coastal and deep sea hooks for longline fisheries.

Dyrkorn™ coastal longline

Dyrkorn™ coastal longlines from Mørenot Fishery is well known for its unbeatable quality and coiling properties. The longlines are available in different dimensions and space between the swivels. Barrel, clips and swivel in stainless steel. All coastlines are delivered in lenghts of 540 meters.

Dyrkorn™ swivel lines

Dyrkorn™ swivel lines for deep sea fishing are designed for maximum strength and durability - a solution which provides less wear, tear and maintenance. To ensure optimal solutions, we have developed our own swivels, clips, snoods and stoppers. We have a wide range and can supply snooded or unsnooded lines - with our Catch® hooks.

CATCH™ Hooks

Our hooks provides you with the smartest and most efficient fishing gear available.​ ​All CATCH™ hooks are subject to thorough quality control. The premium plating surface is salt water tested to counter corrosion. All dimensions are regularly checked to ensure the shape of the hook is manufactured consistently. We test the hooks' strength from all production batches. We can deliver either single hooks in boxes, tied to monofilament or twisted snoods. CATCH™ hooks are attractive to both autoliners and handbating operations.



An insight into the job aboard a longliner. Gear supplied by Mørenot Fishery.

Longlinefishing aboard the longliner Loran

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Do you want to know more about what we can offer witin longline. Our sales staff have great expertise on the subject.

Taylor Swift

General Manager

Jamie Eik

Sales Manager

Fred Helge Kaald

Sales Manager Longline

Alf Rune Ose

Sales Director Longline and Pots

Magnús Smith

Managing Director, Mørenot Island