Our servicestations are located in areas where the aquaculture industry is established. We have full coverage on the Norwegian coastline, as well as stations in Spain, Scotland, Shetland and Canada. All our servicestations offer quick and professional netservice right where our customers need it.
All nets which are handled at a Mørenot servicestation are thoroughly tested and provided with a service report. As a customer of Mørenot you will get access to the Aquacom module, NETS. This module is free of charge and through intergrations with our internal systems you will have full overview of the nets conditions throughout the whole lifespan. You can sign in to Aquacom and the NETS module here.
Our servicestations are environmentally oriented, and equipped with low emission cleaning technology
Mørenot Canada
Our sales people are specialists in technical equipment for fish farms. Feel free to contact us, if you want to know more about what Mørenot Aquaculture can contribute.